aim improvement tool

AIM Improvement Tool Supporting Safer Birth and Maternal Health Outcomes


The mission of AIM (Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health) is to support best practices that make birth safer, improve maternal health outcomes, and save lives. This national effort focuses on developing and implementing maternal care quality improvement bundles to reduce deaths and severe illness during and after pregnancy. Additionally, AIM aims to expand its reach to outpatient clinical settings and community-based organizations through the AIM Community Care Initiative (AIM CCI), addressing women’s physical and mental health care needs throughout the perinatal period.

AIM’s Patient Safety Bundles

AIM’s approach to saving lives and improving maternal health outcomes revolves around the implementation of “patient safety bundles.” These bundles are sets of practices that enhance the quality of care provided during delivery and in the postpartum period. By following these evidence-based practices, healthcare providers can significantly reduce maternal mortality and morbidity rates. The patient safety bundles cover a range of topics, including obstetric hemorrhage, severe hypertension, maternal mental health, and safe reduction of primary cesarean birth rates.

AIM recognizes that every birthing facility plays a vital role in promoting safe births and positive maternal outcomes. Therefore, any birthing facility in the United States can join AIM through their respective state-based team. This inclusive approach ensures that AIM’s initiatives are accessible to a wide range of healthcare providers, resulting in a broader impact on maternal health outcomes.

AIM’s Reach in Hospitals and Birth Centers

AIM has made significant progress in expanding its reach across the United States. As of August 2023, 49 states, along with the District of Columbia, are enrolled in AIM. Within these states, there are 1,996 participating birthing facilities and hospitals that actively implement the patient safety bundles. This widespread participation demonstrates the commitment of healthcare providers to improve maternal health outcomes and promote safe births.

AIM’s Initiatives in Outpatient Settings

Recognizing the importance of comprehensive care throughout the perinatal period, AIM is also working to improve outcomes in outpatient clinical settings and community-based organizations. The AIM Community Care Initiative (AIM-CCI) focuses on addressing women’s physical and mental health care needs before, during, and after pregnancy. By developing specific bundles for these settings, AIM aims to ensure that women receive high-quality care throughout their entire perinatal journey.

Expansion and Funding of AIM Projects

AIM operates through three main projects, each contributing to the overall mission of improving maternal health outcomes and saving lives.

AIM Technical Assistance (TA) Center

The AIM TA Center plays a crucial role in providing national expertise in the development and implementation of patient safety bundles. Through this center, healthcare providers can access the necessary guidance and resources to effectively implement these evidence-based practices. By offering technical assistance, AIM ensures that healthcare providers have the support they need to enhance the quality of care provided during childbirth and the postpartum period.

AIM Capacity

AIM Capacity project focuses on providing funding to states, jurisdictions, and territories to expand the implementation of patient safety bundles in their hospitals and birth centers. This funding enables healthcare providers to access the necessary resources, training, and support to implement these best practices effectively. By investing in capacity-building efforts, AIM aims to create a nationwide network of healthcare providers committed to improving maternal health outcomes.

AIM Community Care Initiative (AIM-CCI)

The AIM-CCI project focuses on promoting patient safety bundles tailored for outpatient clinical settings and community-based organizations. This initiative recognizes the importance of comprehensive care beyond the hospital setting and aims to address women’s physical and mental health needs throughout the perinatal period. Coordinated at the national level, the AIM-CCI activities are implemented on the community level, ensuring that women receive holistic care to support their overall well-being.


AIM’s mission to support best practices that make birth safer, improve maternal health outcomes, and save lives is being achieved through the development and implementation of patient safety bundles. By expanding its reach to hospitals, birth centers, outpatient clinical settings, and community-based organizations, AIM is making a significant impact on maternal health across the United States. Through funding, technical assistance, and capacity-building efforts, AIM is empowering healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care and improve outcomes for mothers and infants. With its commitment to continuous improvement, AIM remains a critical tool in the ongoing effort to enhance maternal health and well-being.


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